129 West Chestnut Street, Lancaster, OH 43130-5570 info@CPAnetworkOhio.org 740-654-9989

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2024 A&A Seminar

September 26, 2024 @ 8:00 AM - September 27, 2024 @ 5:00 PM

September 26, 2023 @ 8:30 AM – September 27, 2024 @ 4:30 PM

Register Here

Deer Creek Lodge & Conference Center

22300 State Pk Rd 20,

Mt Sterling, OH 43143

Get 16 hours of CPE in this two-day session.  Class will run from 8:30am – 4:30pm each day.  This course will target practitioners in smaller sized firms and the situations you are most likely to face.  We will cover case studies from real life as suggested by our own members as part of the program.  Our speaker will be Melisa from Galasso Learning Solutions. There will be a light breakfast, snacks, assorted beverages and lunch will be provided each day.

Course Information:

Day 1- This session will start with an update on what’s going at the FASB and AICPA. We’ll review the Accounting Standards Updates (ASUs) effective for 2024 year ends as well as those coming down the pike. We’ll also review the impact of CECL on nonprofit organizations. Then we’ll switch to the audit side of the house with a review of SAS 147 for noncompliance with laws and regulations and SAS 149 for group audits. We’ll close the morning with a review of the AICPA’s Financial Reporting Framework for Small & Medium Entities (FRF for SMEs). After lunch we’ll review the independence requirements impacting practitioners and review the requirements for Agreed Upon Procedures engagements with a discussion of how they can be used as a replacement for audit engagement for smaller organizations. We’ll close with a fraud update.

Day 2- We’ll start out with the AICPA Regulatory Ethics Update detailing the workings of the Professional Ethics Executive Committee (PEEC). We’ll then review common deficiencies in documentation and analytical procedures. After lunch we’ll transition to a deep dive into quality management and close with a review of deficiencies often identified in audit sampling. Come prepared for an interactive discussion of what not to but also what to do instead!

Learning Objectives:

  • Recall the impact of ASUs on financial reporting
  • Describe the impact of SAS 147 and 149 on audit engagements
  • List the performance requirements for AUPs
  • Recognize the independence requirements in the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct
  • Identify themes from the ACFE’s Report to the Nation
  • Recognize differences between GAAP and FRF for SMES
  • Recall the impact of interpretations issued by PEEC
  • Identify changes to the independence standards
  • Describe common deficiencies in documentation, audit sampling and analytical procedures
  • Recognize the components of quality management
  • Create a timeline for implementation of the quality management standards


Room Reservations (rooms are not included with registration) Phone number to call to make an reservation is 740-869-2020 and the website is https://www.deercreekparklodge.com/

Attendees are responsible to make their own reservations if overnight lodging is desired.   We have a group rate at Deer Creek Lodge & Conference Center for $129.00 per night plus tax. The room block closes on 8/23/24.

Course Registration Cancellation Policy:

Registrations may be canceled in writing and fully refunded up to August 25th.

Registrations may be canceled in writing with a $50 cancelation fee up to September 8th

No refunds will be provided after September 8th, but attendee substitutions are accepted.

The CPA Network is registered with the Ohio Accountancy Board (#00537) and registered with the Ohio Accountancy Board.

Register Here

Cost for members:

8Hrs: $325.00

16Hrs: $600.00

Cost for non-members:

8Hrs: $425.00

16Hrs: $650.00




September 26, 2024 @ 8:00 AM
September 27, 2024 @ 5:00 PM